Our friends are very important to us. They range from like-minded organizations to groups and businesses who share or complement the goals of NSCTN. Thank you for your support.


PLANifax is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating and engaging the public on important planning, development and policy issues in Atlantic Canada, making them more informed and involved in their communities. Since 2015, we have helped community groups, municipal and provincial governments and individual clients tell their stories through many media with an emphasis on creating fun and engaging videos.



We believe that everyone should have access to safe, reliable and cost-effective transportation options, regardless of their mobility. In this spirit, MoveMobility is proud to be the industry leader through innovative and user-friendly vehicles, designed to be accessible for all.


Service Nova Scotia

Service Nova Scotia touches every citizen, business, and municipality in Nova Scotia. We conduct over five million client interactions each year through the various programs and services we deliver on behalf of government.



211 is a free, confidential information and referral service to more than 4,000 community and social services across Nova Scotia. It is available throughout the province – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – by dialing “2-1-1” to speak to a helpful staff member or by searching the easy-to-use online database.


Community Links

Community Links is a province-wide organization that supports the establishment of age-friendly, inclusive communities by linking with others to promote needed changes.


Community Sector of Nova Scotia

The Community Sector Council helps build organizational capacity within the Non-Profit & Voluntary Sector. It also acts as a non-partisan voice for the Community Sector, to help tell Nova Scotians about the contributions that the Community Sector makes to our province.



Malley Industries manufactures ambulances, wheelchair accessible vehicles, plastic products and specialized commercial fleets for a wide range of clients. Malley is also a sponsor of our monthly E-newsletter. Thank you!


Maritime Bus

Maritime Bus travels 10,000 km daily connecting passengers and parcels. The Bridgewater – Lunenburg – Mahone Bay – Chester service exemplifies their philosophy of where passion and belief exists, we must be connected.


Nova Scotia Community College

The NSCC, Truro Campus has been a supporter of NSCTN since 2016 when they graciously hosted the AGM.


Nova Scotia League for Equal Opportunities

Advocacy and information for Nova Scotians with disabilities


Perry Rand

The Bus Boys (Perry Rand Transportation Group) sell the safest school, commercial, vocational, special needs and transit bus vehicles manufactured. Their goal is to also give customers the very best after-sale service. The Bus Boys are also a sponsor of our monthly E-newsletter. Thank you!


Rural Transportation Association

Rural Transportation Association (RTA) is a group of partner service providers that offer door-to-door, accessible transportation for residents of rural Nova Scotia. On their site you will find links to service providers specific to your area.
