NSCTN management of the South Shore Transit Network Project
NSCTN has managed the Maritime Bus-South Shore Transit Network Project (MB-SSNTP) since the service started.
September 10, 2018 marked the first day of daily bus service connecting Lunenburg County and the South Shore to Halifax and beyond. Since then this daily bus service has proved to be a lifeline for many residents who lack the ability to get to Halifax and beyond.
In the first fourteen months of operation the service provided 6,000 rides, with an average of 428 rides per month. This represents a lot of stories and connections, medical appointments made, family get-togethers attended, celebrations enjoyed, student homecomings, meetings met, new communities discovered, surprise visits, hazardous weather avoided, and tourist visits.
There is the potential that many provincial government offices will benefit from affordable public transit for their clients, such as the Departments: Community Services, Justice, Health and Wellness (NSHA), and rural employees that have meetings in downtown Halifax. MB-SSNTP has made several service enhancements to help encourage additional ridership.